About – A young African-American visits his white girlfriend’s parents for the first time. When an unwelcoming feeling starts to arise, he eventually realises what is happening.

Jordan Peele known for his acting, comes straight into his debut directory with Get Out. A mystery, horror thriller that stays with you months after your first screening. Jordan Peele won at the Oscars earlier this year for Best Original Screenplay for this movie. This being Jordan’s first film, this is a huge achievement and we can’t wait for his next project in the director’s chair.

Get Out Still 2

As a horror goes, it’s not terrifying in a sense of jump scares. However, the true horror within Get Out is the racism and trauma that Chris (Daniel Kaluuya) goes through with this white racist family. As Jordan Peele said in an interview “it’s how millions of black people feel each day, not in the same circumstances of white families but in everyday life struggles”. By taking away the ‘horror’ element we are faced with first class racism that Jordan and Daniel wanted to portray like it is for them every day.

We expect jump scares due to the score, however, it never arrives. Which is brilliant for people that don’t like horrors in the ‘jump scare’ type horror. If you’re a lover of suspense, then you are in for a treat. The suspense, thanks to the score, is fantastic in helping the feeling of ‘edge of your seat’ viewing. The suspense in Get Out is something that is the same of most horrors but for some mystery the suspense within Get Out adds up right up until the very end scene.

Daniel Kaluuya was superb, the rawness of his acting is very theatrical. In one scene, his eyes water (cried without being sad) with a blank facial expression. While this scene is one of many within the film that shows Daniel’s true acting potential. We understand why there was so much awards buzz around him and the film. His American accent was another good element within his acting, as we all know he’s from the U.K. with a very strong London accent. His acting skills are through the roof and we can only expect great things from this young talent.

Get Out Still

Some people were calling this the best film of the year. As it’s a very good and strong suspense film, we can’t agree that it’s the best film of the year (2017). The issues that the film raises are award winning and issues that need to be raised. Get Out does a great job at that. It’s not perfect but it’s a brilliant debut from Jordan Peele and a strong lead role for Daniel Kaluuya.